Catching up and library finds at Stray Talk
an archive of my forays into fact and fiction

19th May, 2008
Catching up and library finds
— Love @ 19:27 Comments (2)
Filed under: General booktalk

Last Monday I found myself in Simrishamn with time on my hands and nothing much to do (I was going for an X-ray at the hospital and the bus schedule is crap, which meant I had nearly two hours to kill before my appointment). I had toyed with the idea of going to the library, but I never looked up the directions and so I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to find it. As luck would have it, however, it was in the building right opposite the bus station, so I happily trotted inside and got myself a library card. Only borrowed one book before my X-ray appointment, though, because I wasn’t terribly keen on carting a ton of books to and from the hospital.

The one book, Kometen kommer, was enough to keep me occupied until I could go back to the library after the hospital visit, though, and then I borrowed a bunch more books. Plus I filled a paper bag with books the library was getting rid of. Wasn’t a terrible lot of interesting stuff left at that point, sadly, so I came away with only five of those books.

I was pleasantly surprised at how big the library was and, while their English section isn’t terribly huge, it’s definitely bigger than I expected it to be. I am so glad to have a decent library to go to again. In fact, I’ve already been back once, because I’d read most of the books I borrowed.

Yup, I read fourteen books last week and made the mistake of not updating Stray Talk after each one. Not doing it that way again, let me tell you! But things are up to date now (and I pity the people who get the feed on their LJ friends’ page. Sorry!). I figured to make it easier for you to find all the new posts, I would link to them here.

Last week I read: Kometen kommer, Bögslungan, KÃ¥rnulf Was Here, Allting som är trevligt är bra för magen, Bananflugornas herre, Ser mitt huvud tjockt ut i den här?, Drakvinter, Ior och hästarna, Lugn för dej, Gelika, FrÃ¥n en annan planet, Trollkarlens hatt, Farlig midsommar, Trollvinter and Tjuvlyssnat. That’s more in Swedish than I’ve read in ages, and I realise that’s less than exciting for non-Swedish readers.

But don’t fret, tomorrow I expect a book package in the post (a couple of Doctor Who books, two Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries and a collection of funny/weird/annoying notices that people’ve taped to various noticeboards in buildings and such) and there’s still a lot of English fiction and non-fiction in my TBR-shelves.

  1. Kim L wrote:

    Oh I love when I get the chance to get a few books unexpectedly. I don’t know what I would do when I have to wait for that long if I didn’t have books to read.

  2. Love wrote:

    The Sunday after that library outing I went to the city to meet up with a couple of friends. I brought two books to read on the train there and back, but I miscalculated, so by the time I reached the city, I’d already finished both of them. Consequently, my first move was to go to a book store and buy two books, one of which I’d finished by the end of the day, the other which I was halfway through when I got back home.

    Books are essential for travelling!

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