— Love @ 11:22 Comments (15)
Filed under: General booktalk
My internet has broken down and I haven’t had a chance to get it fixed yet, thus the lack of updates.
I just thought you might want to know.
Since I can’t really do much else right now (I’m logging in, very briefly, from work to type this. Internetlessness has freed up lots of time for reading, though. Twenty-two books this month so far and still going at it!), I had an idea that I would ask the same question that I asked back in November:
Who reads this blog?
Even if you never, ever comment and plan on never, ever commenting again, won’t you make an exception just this once, so I get a little picture of who reads this. I’m curious sometimes, y’know.
17 Jul 2008 at 15:09
I do, thanks to the LJ feed!
17 Jul 2008 at 15:48
I check/read your journal almost every day. :)
17 Jul 2008 at 16:22
I read your blog! Ever since you left a comment on my blog, I followed your link to here and you’ve been on my reader ever since! Hope you get your internet back up soon. Keep up the good work!
18 Jul 2008 at 00:24
I read :)
18 Jul 2008 at 01:07
I do, but not for very long…I think since the Read-a-thon? I could have my dates messed up, though! No guarantees. :)
19 Jul 2008 at 05:03
I read your blog quite often because I appreciate your bookish knowledge and eclectic reading tastes. I’m pretty sure you already know this, though.
20 Jul 2008 at 16:33
me me me. Though you know that, yeah.
21 Jul 2008 at 05:15
Awww: I hope you get it back soon! And if you use WordPress, you can see who reads your blog. ;)
25 Jul 2008 at 15:44
Oh, I do, Love! I love your taste in books. I never know what to expect! I hope you get your internet up soon.
26 Jul 2008 at 01:41
I do!
30 Jul 2008 at 02:54
I just found you from the July Book Blowout. Nice blog.
31 Jul 2008 at 17:31
I occasionally drop by and read your blog. I know you through the Here Be Dragons challenge. :]
7 Aug 2008 at 01:33
I still read it.
11 Aug 2008 at 05:02
I read but don’t comment. ^O^ (Sorry about that.) I like reading your thoughts on books and checking in on your challenges. I can’t remember how I found your blog, but I also read the book site you had before this one.
Hope your Internet will be back in working order soon. ^^*
30 Sep 2008 at 02:00
I read your blog! Or I did, when you posted. I was just thinking I haven’t heard from you in a while.