Read-a-thon at Stray Talk
an archive of my forays into fact and fiction

16th October, 2008
— Love @ 19:16 Comments (1)
Filed under: General booktalk

Read-a-thon I just signed up for the Read-a-thon which is being held again this weekend. You can read all about it over on Dewey’s blog, and the sign-up page is here (and if you click on the image, you will get to the Read-a-thon FAQ, just in case you don’t know what it’s all about).

I really enjoyed this last time, so I’m looking forward to it a lot, especially since I haven’t really been reading a lot lately. Maybe this will get me back in the saddle, so to speak. Because I haven’t read much lately, I am going to set my goals a lot lower this time around.

Last weekend I visited my grandfather’s house with the rest of my family and ended up coming back home with a bunch of old murder mysteries, mainly British ones. You see, my greatgrandmother was a great reader in general, and of murder mysteries in particular, so there were a bunch of those old books in my grandfather’s bookshelf. He’s moving from a big house to a small apartment, so he really wanted to get rid of stuff. Me? I was only too happy to oblige. ;D

Those murder mysteries are going to be my chief Read-a-thon fare, I feel relatively sure about.

1 comment
  1. Aerin wrote:

    Saturday’s the day! The October 24-Hour Read-a-Thon begins in the morning at 5AM PDT. Follow the co-hosts’ discussions here. Check out reader feeds throughout the day.

    Above all, have fun! We’re rooting for you!

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