Read-a-thon: I wish I didn’t know how to quit you at Stray Talk
an archive of my forays into fact and fiction

18th October, 2008
Read-a-thon: I wish I didn’t know how to quit you
— Love @ 15:26 Comments (9)
Filed under: October 18th, 2008

I am really sorry, guys, but I am going to have to step out of the event. I’m feeling tired and queasy, so I’m going to focus on getting better. It’s not unlikely that I will do some reading in the process, but it’s no read-a-thon for me this time around. Hopefully I’ll feel better and be better prepared for the next one!

To all those of you who are participating: good luck and have fun!

  1. sharon wrote:

    Don’t feel too bad. It’s best that you take care of yourself.

  2. 3m wrote:

    Feel better soon!

  3. Ruthie wrote:

    Sending feel better thoughts your way. Take care of yourself!

  4. alisonwonderland wrote:

    hope you’re feeling better soon!

  5. trish wrote:

    Oh, I hope you feel better soon. But it’s best that you take care of yourself! You’ll probably need lots of sleep. :D

  6. Sunny wrote:

    That’s fine! You take care of yourself!!

  7. Kim (Sophisticated Dorkiness) wrote:

    Feel better!

  8. Marg wrote:

    Hope that you feel better soon! Hopefully you won’t be sick for the next one.

  9. chartroose wrote:

    I hope you feel better soon, Love. You’ve been having a rough time lately, so I’m sending positive energy waves your way…{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}.
    Take care.

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