Back to History Challenge at Stray Talk
an archive of my forays into fact and fiction

Back to History Challenge

Back to History Challenge The Back to History Challenge is hosted by Shannon at Just Another Musing.

HERE WE GO… This is a challenge to sharpen the mind, go back & visit times long since forgotten in this day in age. The Back to History Challenge is designed to encourage readers to stretch themselves in the history genre. I am truly interested in getting people to venture into unfamiliar territories of literature. So…take this challenge and discover what history has to offer you!

A FEW RULES… All participants should try to mix up their reading choices. Please do not have ALL biographies, or ALL memoirs, etc. There is no limit on any sub-category, but remember…this is supposed to be a CHALLENGE. You should be getting out of your comfort zones and finding something new to explore. You should read one historical non-fiction, or historical fiction novel a month. Ultimately…let’s have fun!

My list:

  1. Annika Larsdotter: barnamörderska; Inger Lövkrona (fact) — finished on 9th June, 2008
  2. The Annotated Pride and Prejudice; Jane Austen and David M Shapard (fact & fiction)
  3. Leonardo da Vinci: Flights of the Mind; Charles Nicholl (fact)
  4. The Return of the Native; Thomas Hardy (fiction)
  5. A Countess Below Stairs; Eva Ibbotson (fiction) — finished on 10th February, 2008
  6. Standish; Erastes (fiction) — finished on 24th February, 2008
  7. Historier om läkemedel; Tord Ajanki (fact)
  8. Sister Pelagia and the White Bulldog; Boris Akunin (fiction)
  9. My War in the Gestapo; Hélène Moszkiewiez (fact)
  10. Some Danger Involved; Will Thomas (fiction) — finished on 7th January, 2008
  11. Mr Darcy Presents His Bride; Helen Halstead (fiction) — finished on 27th May, 2008
  12. An Assembly Such as This; Pamela Aidan (fiction) — finished on 5th January, 2008