Duty and Desire; Pamela Aidan at Stray Talk
an archive of my forays into fact and fiction

20th February, 2008
Duty and Desire; Pamela Aidan
— Love @ 14:34 Comments (5)
Filed under: A-Z Reading Challenge, C, English, Historical, Romance

Duty and Desire; Pamela Aidan Duty and Desire
by Pamela Aidan

For the A-Z reading challenge.

304 pages
ISBN: 978-0-7432-9136-1

First line: Darcy recited the collect for the first Sunday in Advent, his prayer book closed upon his thumb as he stood alone in his family’s pew at St. ——‘s.

Back cover blurb:
Jane Austen’s classic novel Pride and Prejudice is beloved by millions, but little is revealed in the book about the mysterious and handsome hero, Mr. Darcy. And so the question has long remained: Who is Fitzwilliam Darcy?
Pamela Aidan’s trilogy finally answers that long-standing question, creating a rich parallel story that follows Darcy as he meets and falls in love with Elizabeth Bennet. Duty and Desire, the second book in the trilogy, covers the “silent time” of Austen’s novel, revealing Darcy’s private struggle to overcome his attraction to Elizabeth while fulfilling his roles as landlord, master, brother, and friend.
When Darcy pays an old visit to an old classmate in Oxford in an attempt to shake Elizabeth from his mind, he is set upon by husband-hunting society ladies and ne’er-do-well friends from his university days, all with designs on him—some for good and some for ill. He and his sartorial genius of a valet, Fletcher, must match wits with them all, but especially with the curious Lady Sylvanie.

Thoughts: If you remember, I quite liked the first book in this series, which I read back in January. This continuation, however, I was not quite as fond of. Aidan’s Darcy, when completely away from Lizzy, is not as captivating as her version of Darcy when he has to struggle to keep his thoughts in check in her presence.

Fletcher, his valet, I do still quite like. He takes a few liberties and makes enough hints that I am pretty sure he knows where things are heading, even when Darcy does not. I even have a few suspicions as to the identity of his future wife’s current employer.

Even though I did not much like this book, I still intend to read the third, and final, installment of the trilogy. Lizzy is coming back for that, after all, and I am quite looking forward to how Aidan writes the disastrous first proposal and Darcy’s reactions to Lizzy in Derbyshire.

The first installment received a B grade and this one receives a C. I hope the next one manages at least a B, because I would be sad if it didn’t, when the first was so promising.

  1. Kim L wrote:

    I love Pride and Prejudice, but I’m leery of reading any revisiting of the book. I won’t soon forgot my dispointment in Scarlett, the sequel to Gone with the Wind. Maybe someday.

  2. Love wrote:

    Kim L: Aidan’s retelling of the story is better than some others I’ve read, and I really did like her first book.

    As for Scarlett, well, I’ve read that twice, despite everyone being completely out of character. Sometimes I just can’t let go, and keep reading even though it’s technically bad. My mother thinks I’m crazy.

  3. Kim L wrote:

    Did you ever see the movie based on Scarlett? Although I didn’t like the book much, I think I liked certain parts of the movie. Parts of it were really messed up, but I liked the resolution between Rhett and Scarlett in the movie better than in the book.

  4. Love wrote:

    I think I saw it years before I read the book, but the only scene I really remember is the one at the horse market in Ireland, where Rhett and Scarlett meet quite by accident.

  5. February stats at Stray Talk wrote:

    […] Duty and Desire; Pamela Aidan, C […]

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