— Love @ 16:04 Comments (0)
Filed under: General booktalk
The more I think about it, the more annoyed I get with Flambards Divided. It was written more than ten years after the third Flambards book and to be honest, I don’t see the point of it.
Flambards in Summer ended on a pretty positive note and, whereas I personally wanted more at that moment, that’s just the way I am, and I’d rather it had left off there than continuing as it did in Flambards Divided. It took my favourite character and the ending I was hoping for all along and completely and utterly wrecked it.
Why do authors do that sort of thing? And why did I not stop at Flambards in Summer? I’m going to pretend that I had and that the next book never happened and that my personal favourite got the ending he deserved.
What about you, have you ever read a series of books where you felt the author took it one book too far?