Here Be Dragons at Stray Talk
an archive of my forays into fact and fiction

25th December, 2007
Here Be Dragons
— Love @ 17:12 Comments (32)
Filed under: Here Be Dragons

Here Be Dragons What? Read 3-5 books featuring dragons.

When? 1st of January to 30th of June, 2008

Why? I realised that I had a few dragon-related books on my to read-list, decided to challenge myself to read them and figured maybe others would like to join in.

How? Comment on this post with your name and a link to your list and you’re in! Once the challenge has officially begun, I will make a post for reviews and add a link to it in this post. Comment there with links to your challenge book reviews.

Here are a couple of buttons for the challenge (please upload to your own server if using):
Here Be Dragons Here Be Dragons

Book suggestions:

A Wikipedia list of fictional dragons.

A Strong and Sudden Thaw; RW Day The Hobbit; JRR Tolkien Guards! Guards!; Terry Pratchett
Dragonhaven; Robin McKinley Dragonflight; Anne McCaffrey Eragon; Christopher Paolini
Eldest; Christopher Paolini Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone; JK Rowling Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; JK Rowling
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

The Pit Dragon trilogy:
Dragon's Blood; Jane Yolen Heart's Blood; Jane Yolen A Sending of Dragons; Jane Yolen

The Farseer trilogy:
Assassin's Apprentice; Robin Hobb Royal Assassin; Robin Hobb Assassin's Quest; Robin Hobb

The Liveship Traders trilogy:
Ship of Magic; Robin Hobb The Mad Ship; Robin Hobb Ship of Destiny; Robin Hobb

The Tawny Man trilogy:
Fool's Errand; Robin Hobb Golden Fool; Robin Hobb Fool's Fate; Robin Hobb

A Song of Ice and Fire:
A Game of Thrones; George RR Martin A Clash of Kings; George RR Martin A Storm of Swords: Steel and Snow; George RR Martin
A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold; George RR Martin A Feast for Crows; George RR Martin

Temeraire, or His Majesty's Dragon; Naomi Novik Throne of Jade; Naomi Novik Black Powder War; Naomi Novik
Empire of Ivory; Naomi Novik

  1. Caroline wrote:

    I’ve got a question: do re-reads count? I’m thinking of adding The Hobbit to my list but it will be a re-read. :)

  2. Love wrote:

    Sure, why not? =)

  3. Banquo wrote:

    Tada” I do love me some dragons. And jesus, it’s years since I read The Hobbit last.

  4. Caroline wrote:

    Here’s my (tiny) list! :)

  5. Here Be Dragons: Reviews at Stray Talk wrote:

    […] Here Be Dragons […]

  6. Cath wrote:

    Hi! I would love to join this challenge. My list of books is here:

  7. Dragons and More Dragons! « Here, There, & Everywhere 3rd Edition wrote:

    […] Challenge is being held at Stray Talk.  You can click on the link to see if you too would like to join this Challenge.  It’s to […]

  8. DesLily wrote:

    I’d like to join this challenge! Here’s my list of books…

  9. Kerry wrote:

    I can’t resist joinging this challenge. My list is here:

  10. Scott wrote:

    What about Pat Wrede’s Enchanted Forest series – Dealing with Dragons, Searching for Dragons, Calling on Dragons, and Talking to Dragons? see for one set of covers.

  11. Love wrote:

    Scott: I hadn’t heard of those books before, but of course they are perfect for the challenge. Anything with dragons in it is, basically!

    The ones I listed are just suggestions, and I’m always grateful for more. =)

  12. Giselle wrote:

    Hello, Love! :] I would like to join this challenge. Here’s my list.

  13. Wendy wrote:

    I’ve posted your challenge to my blog here – hope it helps you get more participants :)

  14. Becky wrote:

    Here is my list of books. Thanks for hosting!

  15. quenby (hikaruthedragon) wrote:

    This sounds like so much fun! My blog isn’t much to look at but…I’d love to join you!
    I’ll be reading the Symphony of Ages series by Elizabeth Haydon…her dragons are pretty darned cool!
    You can read excerpts at

    Quenby (hikaruthedragon…can you tell I really like dragons?)

  16. New Challenge: Here Be Dragons « Tempting Persephone… wrote:

    […] 14, 2008 by persephonesgarden This challenge looks too good to resist: Here Be Dragons. Hosted by Stray Talk, here are the rules as posted […]

  17. Tea » Bilbo: en hobbits äventyr by J.R.R. Tolkien wrote:

    […] For Decades ‘08 and Here Be Dragons. […]

  18. Meg wrote:

    Hi! I’m thrilled to be taking part in this :] My list is here:

    under contests. Thanks for hosting!

  19. Callista wrote:

    Wow cool! GREAT idea. >a href=””>I’m in.

  20. Kara wrote:

    I’m a little late, but would love to join this challenge. Here is my link:

  21. Kerry wrote:

    I’ve just updated my list. New list is at

    or on my list of lists

  22. » Blog Archive » Here Be Dragons Challenge wrote:

    […] What? Read 3-5 books featuring dragons. When? 1st of January to 30th of June, 2008 How? Sign up here. […]

  23. 3m wrote:

    I’m in! My list is here:

  24. Ann Downer wrote:

    Ooooo, I am so happy to know about some of these. I think it’s time I read Caroline Stervermer’s Serpent’s Egg, and reread T. A. McAvoy’s Tea with the Black Dragon. And can I crassly promote my own books? Hatching Magic and The Dragon of Never-Was? ; )

  25. Ann Downer wrote:

    Oh, and also, Elizabeth Willey’s book, The Well-Featured Gentleman.

  26. Quaisior wrote:

    I want to join this challenge. My list is here:

  27. reader wrote:

    I’d love to join in! Here’s my list

  28. #35 Is Here; Here Be Dragons Challenge « Becky’s Challenges wrote:

    […] Is Here; Here Be Dragons Challenge Posted on January 12, 2008 by blbooks Here Be Dragons a 2008 Book Challenge hosted by Stray […]

  29. February stats at Stray Talk wrote:

    […] Here Be Dragons […]

  30. Stray Talk » March stats wrote:

    […] Here Be Dragons: 2/4 […]

  31. Banquo wrote:

    I MADED IT. (grammar incorrect ON PURPOSE.)

  32. Stray Talk » Here Be Dragons: Challenge wrap-up wrote:

    […] Here Be Dragons […]

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