— Love @ 19:21 Comments (1)
Filed under: A-Z Reading Challenge, C, Fiction, Swedish, YA Challenge 2008, Young Adult
När kommer du tillbaka?
by Marika Kolterjahn
Title translated to English: When Are You Coming Back?
For the Young Adult and A-Z reading challenges.
202 pages
Tiden förlag
ISBN: 91-88879-77-1
First line: Innan jag hunnit längta eller ens tänka på det är tiden inne att flytta hemifrån.
Back cover blurb:
“Vi sätter oss pÃ¥ nÃ¥gra stenar och ser ut över en Ã¥ker. Vi sitter där bredvid varandra och är tysta en stund. Hon har gett mig mycket att tänka pÃ¥. Jag tänker: Vad rädd hon har blivit, för ensamhet, för människor, för livet utanför hemmet. Nu litar hon pÃ¥ mig. Nu tar hon tag i mig. Tänk om jag inte kan leva upp till hennes förväntningar? Tänk om jag sviker henne?”När Johanna börjar gymnasiet i stan blir hon vän med Magda, en tyst och tillbakadragen tjej som har det tufft med sig själv. Johanna vill hjälpa henne, men vill Magda ha hennes hjälp? Eller tycker hon bara att Johanna är skitjobbig?
Very short synopsis in English: Johanna moves from her childhood home to start high school. In her class is Magda, a quiet and introverted girl who quite obviously is not doing too great. Johanna tries to help her and pull her out of her shell, but are her efforts at all appreciated or does Magda think she’s just a pain in the arse?
Thoughts: I read Marika Kolterjahn’s first book a couple of years back and thought it was decent. Not much more, but then there’s not much lesbian young adult fiction out there at all, so it doesn’t do to be too choosy. For that reason I decided I wanted to read this other book of her’s. As it turned out, this is just young adult fiction, not lesbian young adult fiction, and so I felt that it does do to be, if not too choosy, then at least choosier. Quite honestly, Marika Kolterjahn isn’t the best of writers, in my opinion. She’s not outright bad, though, she’s just boring. Her wife is much better.
One good thing did come out of reading this book — I have now read eleven of my twelve picks for the YA challenge. Only one more to go, in other words. This one gets a C. It doesn’t deserve much more than that. Not much less either, for that matter.
2 Apr 2008 at 13:19
[…] När kommer du tillbaka?; Marika Kolterjahn, C […]