Boy Meets Boy; David Levithan at Stray Talk
an archive of my forays into fact and fiction

15th January, 2008
Boy Meets Boy; David Levithan
— Love @ 21:00 Comments (3)
Filed under: A-Z Reading Challenge, C, English, GLBT interest, Humour, Romance, YA Challenge 2008, Young Adult

Boy Meets Boy Boy Meets Boy
by David Levithan

For the Young Adult and A-Z reading challenges.

185 pages
Random House
ISBN: 0-375-83299-8

First line: 9 P.M. on a November Saturday.

Back cover blurb:
Love is never easy. Especially if you’re Paul. He’s a sophomore at a high school like no other—and these are his friends:
Infinite Darlene, the homecoming queen and star quarterback
Joni, Paul’s best friend who may not be his best friend anymore
Tony, his other best friend, who can’t leave the house unless his parents think he’s going on a date… with a girl
Kyle, the ex-boyfriend who won’t go away
Rip, the school bookie, who sets the odds…
And Noah, The Boy. The one who changes everything.

Thoughts: I don’t quite know what to say about this book. I liked it well enough—it was short, sweet and quite funny—but I feel a complaint coming on, and one that’s going to make you roll your eyes at me. Remember how I often gripe about the bleak and depressing nature of a lot of gay-related stories? Well, I’m just about to take issue with one being too upbeat and positive. There seems to be no way to win!

The thing is, though, that while the town that Paul lives in is quite fun to read about and rather cute, it’s too perfect. It would be great if there were a town like his, but I think we’re a long way from that, still. Sadly enough.

Let’s face it, though: we don’t always ask for complete realism from short YA novels. In other words, I’m giving it a C rating, because it’s what I think it deserves. A little more realism (with the same basic plot/romance) and it’d have been a B or a C, depending on the language and characters. No one really clicked with me, like other literary characters have in the past, but if I had to pick one that moved me more than the others, I would pick Tony. He seemed the most realistic to me.

  1. Mikey wrote:

    I had the same problem with this book, tbh. But then I do like books which are angsty and I don’t necessarily need a happy ending (a glimpse of light is good, though, or an open ending!). I mostly think the whole town wasn’t… interesting at all, as a fictional place. Which it could have been, even what with being perfect and all.

  2. Love wrote:

    It was just so over the top, most of the time.

    And yes, angst is good, as long as that isn’t all there is to a story. I mean, take As Meat Loves Salt, for example. I love that, and it’s angsty as hell. Normally I do prefer a light at the end, as you said, but AMLS manages to completely win me over despite being pretty much only GLOOMGLOOMANGSTDOOOOOOM! all the way through. (Well, that’s a lie. There are happier times in it as well. Just not at the end.) I really need to read that one again soon, now that I have my very own copy. ::pets the precious:: Ahem.

  3. January stats at Stray Talk wrote:

    […] Boy Meets Boy; David Levithan, C […]

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