Read-a-thon: Wrap-up at Stray Talk
an archive of my forays into fact and fiction

29th June, 2008
Read-a-thon: Wrap-up
— Love @ 18:15 Comments (8)
Filed under: June 28th, 2008

Wrapping things up The Read-a-thon’s over and I’m sitting here with pasta with blue cheese, a cup of tea and my little black book of books.

I enjoyed the whole experience ever so much and next time I intend to participate again, only that time I hope to be able to do the full twenty-four hours (why must there be such a thing as work? Why, oh why?). And next time, I hope my blog doesn’t die on me right in the middle of it. Do you have any idea how excruciatingly annoying that was?

I wish I’d had more time for visiting all the other participants. I did try at the start of it, but then I hardly got any reading done, so I stopped after a while. There were a couple of people I did check in on regularly, but I was a poor commenter to be sure.

Let’s have some numbers then!
8 books finished
2 books dabbled in
1,550 pages read
12.4 hours spent reading
6.5 hours spent sleeping/watching Doctor Who
4 hours (approximately) spent blogging/visiting other people’s blogs
10 cups of tea consumed
1 cup of (shoddy) coffee consumed

Next time I want to spend less time sleeping, more time reading, and hopefully break the 2,000-page barrier. I wasn’t that far off this time, all things considered. (Eva kind of scares me, though. I think she must be superhuman…)

In the photo below you can see eight of the books I picked up and read at some point during the Read-a-thon. Only six of those I finished, though. The other two of my completed reads were e-books, which makes it a tad difficult to include them in the photo.

The books I read Post-event survey from Dewey:
1. Which hour was most daunting for you?
Hour 22 and 23, definitely. I wasn’t very tired, exactly, but my eyes were finding it a little hard to focus on the text.

2. Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year?
My last hour I spent on The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett, and I wish I’d started it a little earlier, because it’s a very fast, very fun, read and I would’ve liked to have finished it during the Read-a-thon.

3. Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year?
Not really, I think it was fab the way it was! What do you mean, next year, though? ;D

4. What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon?
I really loved the mini-challenges and the cheerleading. I know I didn’t participate in many of the mini-challenges (I meant to for a lot of the later ones, but then my blog stopped working so I couldn’t, and some of the earlier ones I missed because I’d gone to bed), but they are a very nice touch to keep people interacting with each other. And the cheerleaders were gold!
Another thing is I read a lot of kid’s fiction/YA, which helped move things along (even though I felt a bit like I was cheating at times, reading such “simple” stuff).

5. How many books did you read?
I finished eight and read parts of two more.

6. What were the names of the books you read?
Finished: Travels in the Scriptorium РPaul Auster, The Rose and the Ring РWilliam Makepeace Thackeray, Dr̦mponnyn РPia Hagmar, Teena g̴r til filmen РRia Tofft, Sandman: The Kindly Ones РNeil Gaiman, Lad, a Dog РAlbert Payson Terhune, Good Luck to the Rider РJoan Phipson, Melka: The Story of an Arab Pony РJoan Penney
Dabbled in: A Game of Thrones – George R R Martin, The Uncommon Reader – Alan Bennett

7. Which book did you enjoy most?
See my answer to question 2. I really liked Travels in the Scriptorium too, though, as well as Gaiman’s The Kindly Ones.

8. Which did you enjoy least?
I liked them all, or I would’ve put them straight down. I can say that A Game of Thrones was perhaps not the best choice for the Read-a-thon. I was already more than half-way in by the time the ‘thon started, but I felt it was a little heavy and really slowed down my pace, so I didn’t read that much from it.

9. If you were a Cheerleader, do you have any advice for next year’s Cheerleaders?

10. How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time?
I should like to participate again very much! Same role as this time, except I hope I’d be able to stay awake the full twenty-four hours.

  1. Nymeth wrote:

    That’s a lot of tea and a lot of books! Congratulations, you did great :)

  2. Banquo wrote:

    As soon as summer ends I’m reading The Uncommen Reader. It seems so good.

  3. Love wrote:

    Banquo: I just realised a second ago that Alan Bennett is Alan Bennett of The History Boys. Clearly, I am daft as fuck.

  4. 3m wrote:

    Over 1500 pages is excellent!

  5. Vasilly wrote:

    You did so well! I’m glad that you enjoyed yourself. Not worry about not visiting that many blogs, I cheered and it took up so much time, but was pretty fun. I’ve been hearing so many people who joined the Readathon talking about The Uncommon Reader that I’m going to have to put it on my TBR list. Thanks for participating.

  6. Eva wrote:

    I’m glad you did a ‘by the numbers’ wrap-up too! :D And that is a ton of tea! I’m not super-human, just a recent college grad, lol.

  7. The Hidden Side of a Leaf » Blog Archive » read-a-thon prizes at last! wrote:

    […] survey drawing: Love! You’ve won a Bookmarks subscription, Love, so if you’ll email me your mailing address, […]

  8. I Heart Monster wrote:

    Wow! That is a lot of books! Great job :o)

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