Read-a-thon: Hour 15 at Stray Talk
an archive of my forays into fact and fiction

29th June, 2008
Read-a-thon: Hour 15
— Love @ 08:16 Comments (1)
Filed under: June 28th, 2008

Title of book(s) read this hour: Teena gÃ¥r til filmen – Ria Tofft
Number of books read since you started: 4 (Travels in the Scriptorium – Paul Auster, The Rose and the Ring – William Makepeace Thackeray, Drömponnyn – Pia Hagmar, Teena gÃ¥r til filmen – Ria Tofft)
Pages read: 107
Running total of pages read since you started: 671
Amount of time spent reading: 48 mins
Running total of time spent reading since you started: 5 hrs 27 mins
Other participants visited: Mrs. B, Chris, Word Lily and Eva.

I’ve read Teena gÃ¥r til filmen before, but it was a long time ago. It’s quite a funny book. It’s written in the late 50’s/early 60’s sometime, so it’s quite dated, but very cute.

One thing that interests me, however, is that it takes place Stockholm, Sweden. I suspect that in the original (it was written in Danish orginially, and I read it in Swedish), it’s set in Copenhagen and everyone is Danish, but the translation has changed everyone to Swedes (including changing names, I don’t doubt) and all the place names mentioned are Swedish. Do they still do that in translations? If not, when did they stop and how common was it?

1 comment
  1. Care wrote:

    I have no idea if they do that in translations! I admit, the latest non-English original novels that I’ve read have been Russian and I know they didn’t change the setting – and I don’t think the names, either.

    Congrats on a great readathon!

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