Catching up and branching out at Stray Talk
an archive of my forays into fact and fiction

31st March, 2008
Catching up and branching out
— Love @ 22:08 Comments (6)
Filed under: General booktalk

The bad news I received last week was of the death of my grandmother on dad’s side of the family. She was old, but I didn’t at all expect it. Now grandfather is on his own and we’re all a bit worried about him, as his memory isn’t what it once was. He seems to be holding up fairly okay, but of course it’s hard on him.

I haven’t got much reading done at all of late, but I did finish a couple of books since my “In a slump”-post the other week. Today I played catch-up and wrote four reviews I’d neglected to do. As I always back-date my reviews to the day I finished the book in question, I thought I’d link you to the four of them to make them a bit easier to find—The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club (Dorothy L Sayers), Hey Nostradamus! (Douglas Coupland), Linas kvällsbok 2 (Emma Hamberg) and Making History (Stephen Fry).

Tomorrow I hope to post my March stats.

In other news, I went to Ikea with my family on Saturday and I came back with a couple of new bookshelves, and on Sunday my living room got the makeover I’ve been planning for a couple of months now.


IMG_6524 IMG_6530


As you can see, I have four tall ones and one lower bookcase in the middle. I think it turned out really well. The huge framed photo over the lower bookcase is an enlarged print of a photo I took at the beach last fall. The framed pictures underneath are magazine clippings from the 1930s, all featuring Leslie Howard. It is a sad fact that one of my biggest actor crushes died more than forty years before I was even born. He was brilliant, though, and he’s the dead spit of the Lord Peter I see in my head whenever I read the Wimsey books.

And of course, now I have much more shelf space available for new book purchases!

I’ve put explanatory notes on the bookshelf photos on Flickr, so you can see how I have arranged my books (because I am a complete and utter bookgeek, and it’s sad, sad, sad). Just click on the photos to get there.

  1. chartroose wrote:

    Yor shelves look great! How long do you think it’ll take to completely fill them?

  2. Eva wrote:

    I’m sorry about your grandmother, and I hope your grandfather is alright.

    Your redecorating looks great! For a long time, I didn’t like Leslie Howard because I hated the way he played Ashley in Gone With the Wind. But I recently saw a movie with him and Ingrid Bergman (of course, I can’t remember the title now), and it was just great! I can totally see him as Lord Peter too. :)

  3. Love wrote:

    Chartroose: considering the fact that I’ve bought/received 180-ish books since January last year, probably not that long! =P

    Eva: Thank you.

    I really liked him in The Scarlet Pimpernel. I think that’s when I started seeing him as a good Lord Peter Wimsey. I haven’t actually seen any other films of his, apart from Gone With the Wind. I have three unwatched DVDs of films of his, though. I’m just waiting for enough time to be able to sit down and watch them undisturbed.

  4. Kim L wrote:

    I’m sorry to hear about your loss, that is really sad.

    As far as your redecorating, it looks great. Boy was it a big deal here in Minnesota when we got IKEA. Now it seems that almost all of my college friends have a large of amount of furnishings from there.

  5. raych wrote:

    I read the tags on your bookshelves and just laughed and laughed. Because I have my own Dewey Decimal System, but it’s based on how much I love the book (this shelf is for books I would trade one of my future children for, this shelf is for books I totally hated, this shelf is for books I love but am ashamed to own, etc). I think there’s something in us that loves order, any kind of order.

  6. Banquo wrote:

    I believe I have said something about most things you’ve said, so I’ll just say: your new layout? Is amazing.

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