Bad news at Stray Talk
an archive of my forays into fact and fiction

20th March, 2008
Bad news
— Love @ 17:52 Comments (3)
Filed under: Memes

(I removed the test that was here because it really messed up the layout. Sadly enough. Basically, I was apparently 91 % book nerd.)

I got some bad news this morning, so I don’t know if I’ll get much reading or blogging done in the next few days. But I’ll be back eventually, you can count on that.

  1. chartroose wrote:

    Hope it’s nothing serious :(

  2. Kim L wrote:

    Hope everything works out. Sometimes a break from blogging and/or reading is just the right thing.

  3. Eva wrote:

    Sorry about the bad news. :( Hopefully good news will come your way too to balance it out!

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