— Love @ 22:50 Comments (0)
Filed under: B, Children's lit, Classics, French
Le petit prince
by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
101 pages
Collection Folio
ISBN: 2-07-040850-7
First line: Lorsque j’avais six ans j’ai vu, une fois, une magnifique image, dans un livre sur la forêt vierge qui s’appelait Histoires vécues.
Back cover blurb: n/a
Thoughts: I haven’t read anything in French since 2004, which means that my grasp on the language has almost completely gone, which is why I decided to re-read Le petit prince in hopes of reviving it at least a little bit (more re-reads of other books I’ve read in French are to follow).
It’s a lovely book, but then that is almost one of those truths universally acknowledged, given that it’s been translated into over 160 languages and is on the list of top 50 best-selling books. Personally, I especially like the chapter with the fox.
I give it a B rating.