YA Challenge 2008: The list at Stray Talk
an archive of my forays into fact and fiction

3rd November, 2007
YA Challenge 2008: The list
— Love @ 23:36 Comments (6)
Filed under: YA Challenge 2008

YA Challenge 2008 Boy, do I blog tonight! But, but, but — it’s another challenge!

This one is straight-forward enough: simply pick twelve young adult books and read them at your own convenience during 2008.

I’ll probably edit my list as I go, especially considering that I don’t even know if one of the books I picked will actually be published before next year ends.

My list:

  • Nu heter jag Nirak; Peter Pohl
  • Som jag vill vara; Katarina von Bredow
  • The Princess Diaries V: Princess in Pink; Meg Cabot
  • Gathering Blue; Lois Lowry
  • Messenger; Lois Lowry
  • Twilight; Stephenie Meyer
  • Boy Meets Boy; David Levithan
  • Det fattas en tärning; Johanna Thydell
  • När kommer du tillbaka?; Marika Kolterjahn
  • Flambards; KM Peyton
  • Flambards Divided; KM Peyton
  • Postcards From No Man’s Land; Aidan Chambers

Would be on the list, but won’t be out until summer ’09:

  • The Demon’s Lexicon; Sarah Rees Brennan

  1. Joy wrote:

    Welcome to the YA Challenge! I’m so glad you’re joining in the fun. I recognize a few of your authors/titles, but the rest are foreign to me. :) Happy Reading!

  2. Mikey wrote:

    Now this is a challenge I think I might partake in! Not that the consecutive decade one is bad or anything, this just seems so perfekc for me :P

  3. straytalk wrote:

    Joy: Thanks for the welcome!

    Mikey: Hehe, I figured you might say that. =P

  4. Sarah Rees Brennan wrote:

    What a cool challenge! And thank you very much for including me on the list, though I am afraid my book won’t be out until summer 2009. I hope you’ll do the challenge again in 2009, and then I can be on the list!

  5. straytalk wrote:

    Thanks very much for letting me know. I had an inkling I was probably being a little too optimistic including it on the ‘08 list. Still, this means I’ll only have to come up with eleven new titles for the ‘09 challenge (if there is one. I’ll be reading the book regardless).

  6. WildKid wrote:

    Really good and really interesting post. I expect (and other readers maybe :)) new useful posts from you!
    Good luck and successes in blogging!

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