Books by month | |||||||
January | 6 | April | 10 | July | 7 | October | 28 |
February | 6 | May | 11 | August | 2 | November | 14 |
March | 27 | June | 15 | September | 15 | December | 15 |
Books by genre | |||||
Fiction | 36 | Science fiction | – | Plays/scripts | 2 |
Non-fiction | 39 | Comics/manga | 10 | Mystery | 2 |
Children’s/youth | 32 | Fantasy | 31 | Poetry | 4 |
Totals & averages | |||
Books in Swedish | 88 | Pages in Swedish | 25,565 |
Books in English | 68 | Pages in English | 25,422 |
Books total | 156 | Pages total | 50,987 |
Books/month | 13 | Pages/month | 4,249 |
Pages/book | 327 | ||
Top five most read authors:
- Robin Hobb (12 books)
- Terry Pratchett (7 books)
- Matsuri Akino (7 books)
- JK Rowling (6 books)
- Stephen Fry (5 books)
Booklist 2003:
In italics means it’s a re-read.
Underlined means a book recommended to me.
(title; author, language [eng = English, swe = Swedish], number of pages)
- The Two Towers; JRR Tolkien, swe, 413
- The Return of the King; JRR Tolkien, swe, 362
- The Two Towers Visual Companion; Jude Fischer, eng, 72
- Heavier Than Heaven; Charles R Cross, eng, 392
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; JK Rowling, swe, 532
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; JK Rowling, eng, 636
- No One Here Gets Out Alive; J Hopkins & D Sugerman, eng, 397
- Ett ufo gör entré; Jonas Gardell, swe, 316
- Jack the Ripper: A Treasury of Victorian Murder; Rick Geary, swe, 118
- En av dem; Ingrid Sandhagen, swe, 128
- The Collected Poems of AE Housman, eng, 254
- No Logo; Naomi Klein, swe, 602
- Stupid White Men; Michael Moore, eng, 281
- Gamla tanter lägger inte ägg; Mark Levengood & Unni Lindell, swe, 125
- Downsize This!; Michael Moore, eng, 278
- Adventures in a TV Nation; Michael Moore & Kathleen Glynn, eng, 241
- A Child Called ‘It’; Dave Pelzer, eng, 216
- An Introduction to Viking Mythology; John Grant, eng, 128
- Maya; Jostein Gaarder, swe, 404
- Grabben i graven bredvid; Katarina Mazetti, swe, 191
- Tusen kulor; Peter Pohl, swe, 177
- Kabalmysteriet; Jostein Gaarder, swe, 356
- Julemysteriet; Jostein Gaarder, swe, 266
- Jag är kvar hos er; Peter Pohl, swe, 246
- The Witches; Roald Dahl, swe, 212
- Liv och död i antikens Rom; Dominic Ingemark, Henrik Gerding & Martine Castoriano, swe, 223
- Sång till en fjäril; Maria Küchen, swe, 143
- The Shelters of Stone; Jean M Auel, swe, 759
- du & du & du; Per Nilsson, swe, 268
- James and the Giant Peach; Roald Dahl, swe, 165
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; Roald Dahl, swe, 162
- Maskerade; Terry Pratchett, eng, 381
- Duktig pojke; Inger Edelfeldt, swe, 208
- Min bror och hans bror; HÃ¥kan Lindquist, swe, 189
- Spelar roll; Hans Olsson, swe, 319
- The Lost Boy; Dave Pelzer, eng, 340
- Dance on My Grave; Aidan Chambers, swe, 305
- Carmilla; J Sheridan LeFanu, eng, 152
- The Liar; Stephen Fry, eng, 367
- Kemiska mellanslag; Stig Olsson, swe, 282
- Making History; Stephen Fry, eng, 556
- Assassin’s Apprentice; Robin Hobb, eng, 480
- Royal Assassin; Robin Hobb, eng, 752
- Assassin’s Quest; Robin Hobb, eng, 757
- Fool’s Errand; Robin Hobb, eng, 661
- The Unadulterated Cat; Pratchett & Joliffe, eng, 126
- Duktig pojke; Inger Edelfeldt, swe, 208
- Postcards From No Man’s Land; Aidan Chambers, swe, 364
- The Catcher in the Rye; JD Salinger, eng, 192
- Fever Pitch, The Screenplay; Nick Hornby, eng, 158
- The Hippopotamus; Stephen Fry, eng, 259
- Dikter; Gustaf Fröding, swe, 348
- The Collected Poems of AE Housman, eng, 254
- A Man Named Dave; Dave Pelzer, eng, 426
- Spelar roll; Hans Olsson, swe, 319
- The Complete Maus; Art Spiegelman, swe, 296
- Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone; JK Rowling, eng, 248
- The Silence of the Lambs; Thomas Harris, swe, 327
- The Magic Worlds of Harry Potter; David Colbert, swe, 224
- Morrissey & Marr, The Severed Alliance; Johnny Rogan, eng, 358
- Catch-22; Joseph Heller, swe, 408
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; JK Rowling, eng, 341
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; JK Rowling, eng, 368
- Wuthering Heights; Emily Brontë, swe, 350
- 1984; George Orwell, swe, 236
- Upstairs, Downstairs; John Hawkesworth, eng, 220
- The Secret Garden; Frances Hodgson Burnett, eng, 318
- The Golden Fool; Robin Hobb, eng, 632
- Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix; JK Rowling, eng, 766
- The Hobbit; JRR Tolkien, eng, 285
- Vadå vegan?; Lisa Gålmark, swe, 139
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; CS Lewis, swe, 173
- Animal Farm; George Orwell, swe, 95
- Lord of the Flies; William Golding, swe, 265
- The Alchemist; Paulo Coelho, swe, 186
- Gone with the Wind; Margaret Mitchell, eng, 1011
- To Kill a Mockingbird; Harper Lee, eng, 281
- Tess of the d’Urbervilles; Thomas Hardy, eng, 508
- Science of Discworld II: The Globe; Terry Pratchett, Ian Stewart & Jack Cohen, eng, 384
- Memoirs of A Geisha; Arthur Golden, swe, 461
- Smitvarning; Hans Olsson, swe, 311
- Through a Window: Thirty Years with the Chimpanzees of Gombe; Jane Goodall, eng, 268
- Cheerleaders: The First Evil; RL Stine, eng, 166
- American Gods; Neil Gaiman, eng, 632
- Snöleopardens år; Anita Eklund Lykull, swe, 283
- Making History; Stephen Fry, eng, 556
- Adrian Mole: From Minor to Major; Sue Townsend, eng, 591
- Präriehundarna; Jonas Gardell, swe, 266
- Veganerna: en bok om dom som stör; Magnus Linton, swe, 224
- Homophobia: A History; Byrne Fone, eng, 480
- Sandra och Julie; Heddi Böckman, swe, 137
- Adrian Mole and the Small Amphibians + Adrian Mole: The Wilderness Years; Sue Townsend, swe, 271
- A Town Like Alice; Nevil Shute, swe, 330
- Hundar i världen; Carl-Johan Adlercreutz, swe, 454
- Spelat liv; Louise Eek, swe, 119
- Knappt lovlig; Katarina von Bredow, swe, 225
- Man ska vara tyst när man önskar; Anna Ehn, swe, 174
- En sång kan inte arkebuseras: En berättelse om Joe Hill; Ingvar Söderström, swe, 281
- Animal Liberation; Peter Singer, swe, 296
- Homo i Folkhemmet: Homo- och bisexuella i Sverige 1950-2000; Martin Andreasson (editor), swe, 302
- A Suitable Boy; Vikram Seth, swe, 1239
- Sjutton; Per Nilsson, swe, 252
- Korpens sång; Per Nilsson, swe, 391
- Interesting Times; Terry Pratchett, swe, 303
- And Then There Were None; Agatha Christie, eng, 221
- The Girl’s Guide to Hunting and Fishing; Melissa Bank, eng, 274
- Adrian Mole: The Cappuccino Years; Sue Townsend, eng, 391
- Homosexuellas rättigheter; Folkhälsomyndigheten, swe, 127
- Bög; så funkar det!; Calle Norlén, swe, 261
- In a Glass Darkly; J Sheridan LeFanu, eng, 302
- Bob Marley: A Rebel Life; Dennis Morris, eng, 136
- The Wee Free Men; Terry Pratchett, eng, 320
- Ecce Homo: Berättelsen om en utställning; Gabriella Ahlström, swe, 257
- Night Watch; Terry Pratchett, eng, 364
- Fotoskolan: Komposition; Ulf Sjöstedt, swe, 128
- En annan stad: Kvinnligt och manligt homoliv 1950-1980; Margareta Lindholm & Arne Nilsson, swe, 300
- Homosexualitet i Tredje riket; Fredrik Silverstolpe, swe, 193
- National Geographic Photography Field Guide; Peter K Burian, swe, 352
- Trainspotting; Irvine Welsh, eng, 344
- Women in Love; DH Lawrence, eng, 426
- Ship of Magic; Robin Hobb, swe, 776
- Mad Ship; Robin Hobb, swe, 787
- Ship of Destiny; Robin Hobb, swe, 799
- Assassin’s Apprentice; Robin Hobb, eng, 480
- Royal Assassin; Robin Hobb, eng, 752
- Assassin’s Quest; Robin Hobb, eng, 757
- Fool’s Fate; Robin Hobb, eng, 805
- Isbjörnarna/Cheek To Cheek/Människor i solen (tre pjäser); Jonas Gardell, swe, 249
- Girls In Love; Jaqueline Wilson, swe, 160
- Girl Under Pressure; Jaqueline Wilson, swe, 190
- Kärleksboken; Lilian Edvall, swe, 175
- Ikke en engel; Tine Bryld, swe, 190
- Le prix d’un enfant; Marie-France Botte & Jean-Paul Mari, swe, 256
- The Stars’ Tennis Balls; Stephen Fry, swe, 284
- Pet Shop of Horrors: Volume 1; Matsuri Akino, eng, 193
- SÃ¥na som oss; Susanne Mobacker (editor), swe, 159
- Guards! Guards!; Terry Pratchett, eng, 412
- Girls Out Late; Jaqueline Wilson, swe, 190
- Om det kommer till det värsta; Bo R Holmberg, swe, 254
- Neverwhere; Neil Gaiman, swe, 290
- Pet Shop of Horrors: Volume 1; Matsuri Akino, eng, 193
- De äventyrslystna karlakarlarna 2: Fett med megadöd; Johan Wanloo, swe, 127
- Nio röda rosor i Reykjavik; Bengt Berg, swe, 109
- Pet Shop of Horrors: Volume 3; Matsuri Akino, eng, 192
- Maskrosbarn: Miljöpartiets första tjugo år; Mikael H Nyberg (editor), swe, 343
- Cultural Shock! Sweden; Charlotte Rosen Svensson, eng, 200
- Pet Shop of Horrors: Volume 1; Matsuri Akino, eng, 193
- Pet Shop of Horrors: Volume 3; Matsuri Akino, eng, 192
- Pet Shop of Horrors: Volume 2; Matsuri Akino, eng, 218
- Gud som haver barnen kär, har du någon ull?; Mark Levengood & Unni Lindell, swe, 128
- Pet Shop of Horrors: Volume 2; Matsuri Akino, eng, 218
- The Fellowship of the Ring; JRR Tolkien, eng, 529
- The Return of the King; JRR Tolkien, swe, 362
- Coraline; Neil Gaiman, swe, 157
- The Tollbridge; Aidan Chambers, swe, 234
- Mrs Dalloway; Virginia Woolf, eng, 141